All the world's a stage..but we are not mere puppets
cherish life...its the greatest gift u can ever have
never reminisce your past for it will always move u to tears...
plan your future but not at the cost of your present
make lots of friends but never expect them to be friends"INDEED"
don't be too serious about life...
things get going when u smile at ur tragedies
wear ur attitude,no matter what people say about it
love the skin u r in....always believe that u r beautiful
love happens only once is a surrealistic saying
if someone dumped u..no big deal
love will again come to u perhaps in a better package
be practical always...that's the key to a prosperous survival
search for ur passion no matter how long it takes
learn to gamble upon ur wishes
great men wrere great because they gambled it perfect
dont regret being hypocritical
world's full of hypocritical idiots
wear a smile and let the world know how happy u r
never forget to flaunt ur gems...they deserve it
bring happiness to your parents
they are the ones who sailed with u through all ur blues
dont accuse others for ur miseries
u r responsible for everything that comes to u
accept changes for they are inevitable
talk to yourself because nobody can understand u better than u
live life and fall in love with it............
cherish life...its the greatest gift u can ever have
never reminisce your past for it will always move u to tears...
plan your future but not at the cost of your present
make lots of friends but never expect them to be friends"INDEED"
don't be too serious about life...
things get going when u smile at ur tragedies
wear ur attitude,no matter what people say about it
love the skin u r in....always believe that u r beautiful
love happens only once is a surrealistic saying
if someone dumped u..no big deal
love will again come to u perhaps in a better package
be practical always...that's the key to a prosperous survival
search for ur passion no matter how long it takes
learn to gamble upon ur wishes
great men wrere great because they gambled it perfect
dont regret being hypocritical
world's full of hypocritical idiots
wear a smile and let the world know how happy u r
never forget to flaunt ur gems...they deserve it
bring happiness to your parents
they are the ones who sailed with u through all ur blues
dont accuse others for ur miseries
u r responsible for everything that comes to u
accept changes for they are inevitable
talk to yourself because nobody can understand u better than u
live life and fall in love with it............
Hmmm...very beautiful in its usage of words...n complete cycle of life and emotions and relations..
Very similar to Sunscreen...
yaad hai?!!
n haaan ye pic karri hai
its awesome.....n indeed very true...each n evry line compels u to ponder over ur life n regain the lost enthusiasm.....
gr8 going....
keep it up....all d best
actually its d first time when i seriously read such a elevating thing. coz whenever i gone threw these kinda lines they were all from some spiritual sources ..so i always ignored them.
but when i got to knw its you..i fully read all this with my broadly opened eye.and its truly amazing Mahn .n am still surprised that you can write that spanking words.
i cant indite any more.dont hav words to xpress.
nice thoughts , this blog is a good motivater for the..depressing personalities......but writing and its practical implementations makes a lot of difference....
over all nice saying.....
good one prithu!
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