Tuesday, August 19, 2008

n0 R!gHtS t0 CoMpLa!N!!!!

glancing at the newspaper today eyes rolled to something that juss left me in a fix.So thought about scribbling ma thoughts right here.A report said that three students of IIM-L are moving ahead to join politics and the reason cited by them seems pretty fair...hats off to their noble thinking.Do we ever ponder upon the question that why is our country such a failure in the eyes of other progressive countries???We citizens of the so called indian country juss run crazy behind criticising the shitty politics that is gaining monstrous proportions with each passing day.Ask the young guys and gals about their aspirations and the dreams they savour for "their" future and you'd get versatile answers which might sound somewhat like this:

"I wanna be an engineer....a doctor...an enterpreneur....actor,designer." And thousand other such goals.Now if you try to question that why dont you want to be a politician then just listen what they have got to say-"who would want to be a politician..politics is a rotten area...you can do nothing for ur country being a politician,its too corrupt and nobody can fight the system to change the age old tradition of piling up bundles in ur pockets by bargaining your nation's progress and your own conscience".........bla bla bla.The elite crowd of our country hailing from such prestigious institutions never try to think that they indeed owe a great deal of their success to their country.After concluding their education they just march ahead to realise a life of fulfillment...some even never return to their country.What a shame is that!!!
When the youth of our country is so selfishly hankering to satiate their hunger without giving a least thought to their country then what right do we have to criticise the politics goin on in this country?No we dont have a right to do that because its us who choose these leaders to run our country on our behalf,they are our representatives...the solution does not lie in criticising them but in moving ahead to lend out helping hands to heal our wounded country.
If we cant step ahead to work for our country then we have got no right to complain!!!

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