Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It has been very well said that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world".the women power in india has always been supressed under the shackles of rotten society system and the orthodox mentality of its citizens.during ancient times women were honoured and were given a high status of reverence but as time progressed the circumstances kept turning hostile rendering the world of women,especially an indian women,into a living hell.she had to sacrifice her dreams and aspirations at every step to quench the thirst of an indifferent and ignorant society.Some ruthless systems like sati,and the purdah system kept her from the world that was growing constantly. with the passing time the cry of vulnerability and helplessness brought a new subjectivity into indian feminism expressing emotions which had so far not been expressed.At the same time the the focus on working women represented at one level a rejection of the wife-mother power image replacing it with the image of an economically independent woman.Today we see this women power leading the lines in every field; be it the field of education,politics,business,entertainment or any other arena of our social circle.numerous examples stand as testimonies to this fact viz sonia gandhi who has been rated as one of the most powerful women in the world by forbes magazine,indira nooyi epitomising the women power in business,kalpana chawla and several other names of grand stature testify the flourishing role of women in the creation of a fully fledged society that is striving for excellence in all the spheres of life.This transformation however was not an overnight development rather it was an outcome of a sustained struggle that was ignited by some great leaders and visionaries of our country and this world.The most difficult part of this movement,perhaps was to awaken the women crowd from a slumber that they had mistakingly accepted as their life.but the persistent efforts and undying faith of our leaders made this himalayan task turn into a reality. today although a considerable progress has been witnessed in the status of the women crowd all over the world yet much needs to be done and much needs to be achieved in order to give a truly respectable and honourable position to the women of this contemporary age.needless to say the precious contribution of our women leaders has been of vital importance in the develpoment of a growing society but these women who enjoy the prestige of being in limelight are also confronted by endless challenges and problems in their day to day dealings with a male oriented society.who could be a better witness to this fact other than sonia gandhi; a lady who had to face harsh criticism and baseless allegations just because she was a lady a woman who had proved her mettle to the entire world by emerging as a winner in the elections.even today our society nurses evil thoughts and a highly biased outlook for the female crowd.the girl child is deprived of something very basic and inevitable as education or health facilties.the female reservation issue that had much been talked about was not given acceptance by the so called framers of our rules and regulations. all these facts and more clearly picture the challenges that confront our leading women crowd and the common woman wipe off these differences we need to unite our courage and our strength so that we can give a tough fight back to all those boundations that stand in our way to excel and achieve our cherished goals.Until nad unless we make up our minds to fight this sheer manifestation of injustice the woman crowd would continue to face these challenges of being looked down as inferior creatures or creatures with an incurable disablility of surrendering to the wrongs done by a blind male its high time to wake up and fight back!!!!

1 comment:

DeeepFriedLife said...

Whatever u said is pretty right..but i think u missed one very important point...

Sometimes, the exploited himself or herself is the most responsible person in the exploitation...

And its their 1st duty to oppose it and fight against it...

I think women are equally responsible for their status...and women shud move on from 'WOO'Men to become Women.