The Beijing Olympics concluded with yet another spellbounding ceremony.They ended exactly the way they began....with loads of splendid performances and breathtaking display of the artists just perfectly matching the grand spirit olympics.Hats off to China for showering the world with this absolutely amazing and beyond-the-planet experience of the olympics.So next is what???Probably the Commonwealth Games goin to be hosted by India in 2010.Everybody..rather I should say every Indian is looking forward so as to see India matching the standards set by China to showcase the Olympics in their true spirits that left the world awestruck.Question that arises here is that can we justify such kind of thinking on our part???Is it fair enough to expect that India would be able to scale upto the heights that China has touched in its endeavour to do justice with the grandeur of Olympics???As far as my opinion is considered i would say its not even justified on the part of indians to bid for hosting such international events.India is a country of a 1.13 billion people.India is home to 1/3rd of the poverty struck people of this entire world.If we glance through 1980some rough statistics then the equations somewhat look like this:
1980 60%
1990 51%
1999 45%
2005 42%
42% of the Indian population is still reeling under the shackles of poverty.India has a higher proportion of its population living $2 per day which is less than even sub-Saharan Africa.When the present scenario of India is so pathetic then is it justified on the part of our govt. to hold the responsibility of organising such events of international importance in a country like ours.Dont we need to first look into the basic problems that are eating up the very roots of our so called "DEVELOPING COUNTRY".How long will this ''DEVELOPNG" named tail lead our long???If we dream about matching the standards of other countries that are so furiously racing towards development then first of all we should try to enrich our country internally so that we can prove our mettle to this world.Delhi which is the venue of the 2010 CommonWeath games is still suffering with the pathetic conditions of its roads,then how can it promise to treat an international crowd with all the hospitality and ample facilities??I feel sorry for our decision makers...they dont even have an idea that if we host these games and fail to treat our guests with due attention and cordiality what impression would it create on the world thats looking for so much to happen in a country that is known for its hospitality and where guests are considered as GOD.Do we really deserve to host these games...I think we are not!!!
2 comments: some extent i agree wid u and surely believe that indian govt. needs to think about it ..but then...we can not always look towards the negative aspects yeah..india is a developing nation...n also poverty ratio is is reaching to its crest yet..acc. to me..we r also somehow responsible for all the acts moving around us..So..why to loose hope...come on..wake up n instead of looking at faces of our shitty politicians.. why can't we...the Indian youth initiate and help out to reduce the miseries and add to the glory of our nation ..coz its not the time to sit n criticize ..but its the high time to raise hand n do something...don't u agree.??.
I liked this piece of urs the most...
The threading of words and ideas was very literary.
Now lets consider this idea of doing grandiose things at one hand and starving the
masses at other. There are many view points in this regard.
One is the Darwin's theory which supports the survival of the fittest. So, no
matter whats the condition like, every individual should be treated like an
organism, on the evolution path, which also includes its fit, survival.
Secondly, we cant ignore that we are the privileged species which are gifted with not just
intelligence but EMOTIONS.
So, this aspect of SOCIAL BEING comes in, and moral responsibilities of not just individuals
but also of organizations and nations comes in. After all this is how we have evolved and
not just survived but also flourished and ruled this planet.
Apart from being social, there is one more important ideology or i would say most important ideology
of INDIVIDUALISM- every individual should be responsible for his or her actions, decisions and fate
and that an INDIVIDUAL has the power to do anything.
Combine all these and its very messy with no clear formula, but social and moral aspect always wins.
Lets get practical and realistic now.
India needs to change its image of a nation full of dirty people, doing dirty work but of course with
a glorious culture, tradition and ancient civiliazation.
Our approach should be more balanced and should be more inclusive and participating.
As your stats point out, we are improving but theres lot more to be done.
By goverments, by organizations, by corporates, by NGOs, by people like you n me and let me not
forget to mention by people who are SUFFERING.
They should earn their bread and living, as positively as possible, and what WE all need to
provide them with, is not donation bur OPPORTUINITY and MEANS but not ENDS.
"I" makes all the D" " FFERENCE.
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