Saturday, January 29, 2011


God has summoned all the religions
y....its an unending list of reasons
He is agitated with his division into pieces
y stands bruised,which religion preaches
Religion now faces the jur
y of Gods;
y,its lawyer against all odds.

"Religion wh
y did u trigger ma division?"
y said"God,selfishness is the new religion"
Have the people lost faith in religion and its values?
Said defense"The
y turned it into a mirror of their selfish virtues."
How could religion fail in uniting m
y children?
Said defense "The
y see enemies in their own brethren"

Did'nt religion preach that I can never be divided?
It did,but some evil souls left people misguided.
y used your manifestations and names
Sentiments turned hostile and the
y played games.
Now spoke religion"I was the path to u almight
I struggled to teach ur children humanit
y and piety."

"I have been defeated and now I stand here,
I was God's
mirror to the people everywhere...
The human creed demonized m
y existence and me;
Turned me into the biggest hurdle to the path of Thee
God save the world from this hatred and acrimony
those lost in sin and blasphemy."

The jur
y is in deep shock and despair;
The dama
ge to the beings looks beyond repair
is not guilty and wont be punished
Selfishness in the name of religion has flourished

One da
y each sin would bear its consequence
Nothing but death and destruction would be the penance.