Friday, August 28, 2009


Never trust the word trust

nothing profound,its just dust.

Trust grows out of love,

like roots support a tree above.

A wild breeze blew away his trust,

the tree fell dead,right on the crust.

the roots of my love were weak perhaps...

his trust got easily buried under the wraps.

I accept,i did a blunder

too strong that it got all my love to plunder?

Not a penitent,but like a criminal i feel..

seems that my wounds never heal.

He accused me of betrayal and infidelity,

my soul bleeded and i wept feeling guilty.

Love burned to ashes in a single moment,

he left me with no choice,than to lament.

No words to explain what he is...

to my world he came as a bliss.

Forgiveness is all that i plead...

him and his love, i would forever need.

Is my mistake greater than my love for him

with his love he always saw my eyes brim...

Please come back and give me a chance

with happiness and love myheart would dance.

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