Thursday, October 2, 2008

India Lost???

I am an indian...but what's in it that would make me proud?Can anybody produce an answer to my question please...i m really looking for a reason to be proud of my nation and yes please dont tell me that our nation is the living example for that"unity in diversity"stuff.
INDIA a nation that was an idea..idea that epiotmised brotherhood,tolerance,peace,harmony,humanity and other such values of grand stature,now stands naked infront of the entire world drooling with shamelessness and stinking of hatred.I find the newspaper full of write ups about the hindu violence against christians,the people of kashmir raging like anything to split up from india just on communal lines,the muslims feeling orphaned in their own country because of some offenders of their relegion who have driven the entire sect to filthy reputation,the states fighting to forcefully flee the residents of other states in their soil...and the list goes this india??? is this the nation that once proudly boasted of its multilateral linguism,cultures,relegions and yet standing united infront of the world to inspire humanity and tolerance.Surely this cant be the one...My India is LOST!!
What went wrong is the question that needs to be answered.Why are people resorting to violence and bloodshed.The muslim community has been most apparent in this context,muslims do not feel one with this country anymore;somewhere or the other a common muslim man has been deeply hurt perhaps by the circumstances and to such an extent that he is now heading on a path that would ultimately lead to destruction of this idea called-"india".
Emotions sell in india-terror strikes are executed and masterminded by people of islamic faith and now we start looking at every muslim with that doubtful eye.
We start picturing a terrorist in each person who is by fortune or unfortunately born to an indian muslim family.We stop believing in the so called integrity and communal harmony concepts,its just music to our ears now coz nobody is peaceful here.These emotions are exploited by the offenders to turn innocents to enemys of humanity.Whenever something causes unrest and destruction we start pointing our fingers towards muslims and so happens with our security forces who somehow catch hold of people who are islamic by faith and are not involved in any terror plot as such but are just paying the cost of being a muslim.Its a fact that islamic community has underlined its role in terrorising people but still it doesnt mean that every person who is a muslim by faith would be put behind the bars.Islam is a pious relegion and doesnt preach violence by any means.The terrorists are doing whatever they can to injure the social integrity of our nation and the only way to give them a tough answer is to stand united.Once our faith is shaken,we will crumble like dust and they will win.All their attacks are singly aimed to ignite communal riots,violence and bloodshed so that they can slander their filthy targets in the name of relegious crusade.
So what does india do now??We need to first of all talk to the muslims and other such people whose emotions have been deeply injured by any reason whatsoever,we need to restore our faith and integrity.The end to terror lies in the roots from where this monster took birth.
Come lets join our hands and reunite our strengths to bring india back to LIFE...

1 comment:

DeeepFriedLife said...


We thot on similar lines and pain.
Just one feeling of helplessness.

And i really feel lucky to not have been born as a Muslim in India.
